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How to get so that every child learns with joy and achieves good results?

It turns out that part of the solution can be found already in the planning phase of the child’s activities. This time we will talk about ideas on how to create sensory learning games to help understand different developments in the context, to deduce, create, and also to remember what has been learned over time. This article will complement the insight into the learning model offered by sensory play in the previous article sensory-tables

Luula’s children’s tables are used in pedagogical work by several children’s development centers. The Talsi Family and Child Development Center educators, who have been using the Luula Table since April 2021, shared an interesting experience. The center helps children with developmental disabilities and provides significant support to their families. Although only 2 months have passed, which is a relatively short time, both teachers and parents of children share their observations at work with the table. And these results are really amazing and even incredible. The table attracts and motivates to learn new skills even for children with learning disabilities such as hyperactivity, autism, and even Down syndrome. You can find out more about them here:

Teaching preschool children literacy is an important challenge for everyone. The approach you choose to teach children plays an important role and can affect your child’s future reading and writing success. Together with Luula Table, it is possible not only to work with Montessori materials but also you are invited to diversify your learning experience with an interesting challenge – to tell instructive stories and self-made tales with the help of sensory games. More on how to create these stories.

Tell stories to your child by visualizing the process in several dimensions:

  • creating seasons on a blackboard, drawing with chalk, as well as placing illustrative, simple, self-drawn images on the edge of the blackboard;
  • place the main characters in the sand – figurines, which can be self-made – from natural materials or plasticine; use the boxes on the right side of the table as the home of each fairy-tale character, or place the building materials in them – it’s your choice;
  • Attach an acrylic board to your stage and you will get a second floor where you can create a complementary storyline, write letters and words, or numbers while trying to count the elements of the game!

What do the following activities develop for preschool children from 2 years of age:

  • working with fine motor skills, training finger dexterity, and coordination, which unlocks fluent language;
  • sensory lessons for sensory development that unleash and promote spatial thinking, mathematical thinking, etc.
  • tasks for recognizing and expressing emotions;
  • promoting a sense of rhythm;
  • developing creativity and self-expression;
  • fostering confidence, courage, and mutual cooperation, etc.
Luula Table - Multi Sensory Desk for two years age
Sand Table, Blackboard, Acrylic Board, and Storages for Pencils- for Drawing, Counting, Writing, and Art Activities.

Each new fairy tale will generate ideas for various creative activities over several days. If you want, you can close the stage in the evening by locking it with a key. The boundaries of fantasy are indescribable – you will definitely invent your own! Use old balls of yarn, beans, tree leaves, live and dried flowers, rolls of toilet paper, shells, and torn magazine images. Learn to see the possibilities, choose and use everything around you, creating a new, gorgeous fairy tale!

I wish you to think through materials and across borders – together with the sensory game table Luula!